Monday, April 19, 2010

Milk Drunk!

Is this cute or what???????
Momma's milk has come in and Leah is lovin' it!
It has been such a pleasure to see my daughter with her new baby.  She is such a good mother - I have never seen her so patient in all her life.  Her eyes light up when she sees this baby - I know how she eyes light up when Allison or Ryan walk into a room.  They are still my babies.

Don't blink, Allison...

Friday, April 16, 2010

My New Love

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. 

Psalm 126:3



Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Leah went home today to her beautiful room.....I walked her around and showed her pictures of her family...her Uncle Ryan and Aunt Chelsa, her Mommy when she was little...
Look at all that hair!  Thank You, God, for blessing our family!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our New Granddaughter

Leah Rose  -  born yesterday weighing in at 8 pounds 4 ounces and measuring 211/4 inches...
This was my first moment of holding her and all my friends were right - there is no feeling like holding the baby of your baby!
She is beautiful and perfect and Allison was fabulous and she will be a wonderful mother...
Justin was great and he will be a great Daddy...
Roger and I are thrilled...
I just wish Ryan and Chelsa had been here and the whole day would have been perfect.
She is a baby I have been waiting for and praying for a long time!  I thank God for allowing me to experience this and for His blessings on my family - God is good!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

She Gets That From Me!

My daughter (who said she would never blog) started a blog about her baby girl.  Here is the link...
Since I have three blogs of my own, I guess she gets that from me!
Here is the newest picture of my grandbaby...
The doctor says she could be here as early as sometime in the next two weeks - I cannot wait to hold her in my arms.