Friday, October 21, 2011

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Leah loves turkeys! Every time we see one, she says "gobble, gobble, gobble." So, when we saw this one at Central Market we just had to take her picture with it!

Happy Fall Y'all!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Starting My 60th Year

Well, here I am - starting my 60th year! What happened to the time?

I remember when my children were both young and in their beds one night - I walked out to the front of the house to check the mail and turned back to the house and thought "these are the best years of my life."

Now my children are grown and married and I have a grandbaby and I think "these are the best years of my life."

I am thankful for my husband, my children (all four of them), my grandbaby, my extended family, my friends, and that even in my "golden years" God has provided me with a purpose for living above and beyond being a "stay-at-home wife." I am thankful that I get to spend so much time with Leah and be an influence in her life, love her unconditionally, and teach her about the Lord. I am thankful that I have a room full of young women at church on Tuesdays who are eager to learn more about being homemakers and being godly wives and mothers.

I made mistakes - I would do anything if I could go back and do a better job of being a wife and mother, but in spite of my failures, God has blessed me and my family and I am thankful to Him for His protection, care, and blessing.

I don't know how many more years or moments I will have here on Earth, but if I could ask just one thing from the Lord it would be that my children and my grandchildren would give their lives to Jesus and walk with Him all the days of their lives.

I pray that after I am gone, my legacy to my family will be a godly one.